Frances Lendacki '17 and Janna Kerins '15|Posted on March 15, 2021
Frances Lendacki '17 and Janna Kerins '15 co-authored a new report for the CDC that tracked widespread infections among 81 attendees at a high-intensity fitness class.
Peter Orris, MD, Rebecca Levin, MPH '02, and others|Posted on March 08, 2021
Professor Peter Orris and alumna Rebecca Levin are co-authors of a CDC report analyzing network effects of COVID-19 transmission at the Cook County Jail.
Brownfields are current or former commercial properties suspected to contain hazardous substances that require major clean-up before healthy human use can take place.
SPH researchers collaborated with the Southwest Environmental Alliance to analyze ongoing pollution and health impacts from polluting facilities in a Chicago industrial corridor.
Wastewater sampling analyzed at SPH's water labs can provide rapid identification of COVID-19 outbreaks in a simpler fashion than mass batches of individual test results.
A new series of public health geographic information systems maps compare social vulnerability and COVID-19 deaths across Midwest counties as a tool to identify vaccine needs.
While most opioid use nationwide does not involve heroin and its illegal adulterants, these substances accounted for about 83 percent of overdose deaths in Cook County since 2016.
New research co-led by Kamal Eldeirawi, PhD in Epidemiology '06, found increases in disinfectant use during the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing environmental triggers for asthmatics.