
An artisanal miner sifts through silt combined with mercury in a water bath.

Great Lakes Center Joins UNEP Mercury Partnership

SPH's World Health Organization Collaborating Center works with occupational health practitioners in Ghana and Nigeria to reduce emissions of and exposure to mercury among artisanal gold miners.

A screenshot of a map within the Chicago Health Atlas that shows rates of adult obesity across Chicago.

Chicago’s health database moves to UIC

The Chicago Health Atlas, a free community health data resource for neighborhood-level health data for Chicago’s 77 community areas, is moving to the UIC School of Public Health.

People sit in a doctor's office waiting room.

Small medical bills lead to dropped coverage

Dropped coverage due to unaffordable premiums is leading to patients missing preventive care and timely clinical help, leaving insurance companies with a sicker pool of patients.

A street in Chicago's Little Village neighborhood.

SPH leads new antiracist partnership

The partnership aims to break barriers and build structures that will sustain after the pandemic in neighborhoods that have historically been disinvested in or structurally disadvantaged.