Policing and public health Heading link

The deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor in encounters with police captured the nation's conscience in 2020. But even these high profile cases cannot alone illuminate the scale of the effects on public health that can be caused by law enforcement activity. SPH faculty are building a surveillance system for Chicago, Illinois and the nation to systematically track and describe civilian injuries and deaths in interactions with law enforcement.
Timeline graphic that displays a chronological sequence of events.
An underpass on Chicago's south side contains a mural showing a wide variety of people, with differences in age, size and ethnicities.

Democratizing population health data

We believe citizens should play an active role in improving the public health of their own neighborhoods and communities. SPH's PHAME Center is strengthening access to timely, detailed and understandable health data.

Advancing health justice

All people should have the power and resources to have agency over their health, which requires addressing systems of oppression such as classism, racism, sexism and xenophobia.

Public health isn't an action performed on others

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the need for citizens to be collaborators in public health. We're building capacity for citizen scientists as researchers and contact tracers.

Home page image credits include:

Richard Hurd © Creative Commons
Peter Dahlgren © Creative Commons
Randy von Liski © Creative Commons