Protecting and improving health in Chicago, around the nation and across the globe
About the School Heading link
The University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health is a community of faculty, staff, students and alumni who are determined to strengthen public health outcomes and interrupt social and economic disparities in communities locally, in our state and country and around the world. Â For more than 50 years, the school has prepared public health practitioners, researchers, academic faculty, policymakers and activists whose work focuses on positively shaping health outcomes.
Our academic areas focus on community health sciences, epidemiology and biostatistics, environmental and occupational health sciences, and health policy and administration. Â Â Our researchers and centers engage with leadership groups like the Center for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization to build and evaluate robust public health programs. Â With more than 800 students, more than 120 faculty and an alumni community numbering 5,500, the School of Public Health leads positive change on issues including COVID-19, climate change, water quality and health, industrial hygiene, infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS prevention, cancer epidemiology and more.
Mission and Values
Current job opportunities

Dean's Welcome Heading link
“At the UIC School of Public Health we are dedicated to excellence in protecting and improving the health and well-being of the people not only in the metropolitan Chicago area and the State of Illinois, but across the nation and throughout the world. We work to educate scientists, professionals and the public; conduct research to develop solutions to public health problems; provide public health service; and formulate public health policy.”