This SPH student group responds to the police murder of George Floyd and the resulting protests that swept across the nation calling for an end to police brutality.
Alumnus Joe Amaro is navigating complex PPE supply chains to ensure healthcare professionals and first responders are equipped with protective gear in Lake County, Illinois.
Uchechi Mitchell told Public Radio International efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic are intertwined with a push to address anti-racism in the wake of the murder of George Floyd.
Sage Kim, PhD and Wendy Bostwick, MPH '01, PhD '05|Posted on June 15, 2020
Professor Sage Kim and alumna Wendy Bostwick, MPH '01 & PhD '05, analyzed the needs of Chicago community-based organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ashley Bieniek-Tobasco, DrPH, Cynthia Golembeski, MPH and Ans Irfan, MD|Posted on June 13, 2020
Professor Ashley Bieniek-Tobasco argues cuts to public health funding and lack of healthcare access for American citizens represent strategic threats to the United States.
Ayokunle Olagoke, PhD in Community Health Sciences student|Posted on June 12, 2020
Ayokunle Olagoke, PhD in Community Health Sciences student, reflects on the murder of George Floyd and the questions social scientists should be asking.
Ayokunle Olagoke, PhD in Community Health Sciences students, co-authored new research examining how COVID-19 media coverage drives depressive symptoms in viewers.