The City of Chicago announced the UIC School of Public Health will be an integral partner in a $56 million initiative to build contact tracing capacity during the pandemic.
Dr. Susan Buchanan told Grist the risks of exposure to ethylene oxide emissions for residents living near emitting plants needs to be taken into account during the pandemic.
Dr. Peter Orris told Grist ethylene oxide has been proven to pose a cancer risk, as the gas is increasingly used to sterilize personal protective equipment.
Dr. Peter Orris, chief of occupational and environmental medicine at UI Health, told Restaurant Business restaurants need to be flexible as they adopt best practices.
Faculty from the School of Public Health are working with IDPH to strengthen its incident command system, bolster workplace safety and build strategies for congregate settings.
Alumna Ysabelle Burgos completed her global applied practice experience in the Philippines, focusing on emergency preparedness in the nation she grew up in.
Patrick D. Smith, DMD, MPH '15|Posted on June 24, 2020
Alumnus Patrick Smith, DMD, MPH in Health Policy and Administration '15, reflects on the murder of George Floyd and the role of disregard of people of color as a deadly form of racism.
New research from Dr. Howard Gordon with SPH's Institute for Health Research and Policy offers recommendations for improving telehealth during the pandemic.