
A graphic showing the science of contact tracing, with one infected person infecting multiple others, and so on down down multiple levels of infection.

SPH to Co-Lead Contact Tracing in Chicago

The City of Chicago announced the UIC School of Public Health will be an integral partner in a $56 million initiative to build contact tracing capacity during the pandemic.

Dr. Susan Buchanan headshot.

Ethylene Oxide for PPE Sterilization?

Dr. Susan Buchanan told Grist the risks of exposure to ethylene oxide emissions for residents living near emitting plants needs to be taken into account during the pandemic.

A pizza restaurant has a sign board outside that says

Reopening Plans for Restaurants

Dr. Peter Orris, chief of occupational and environmental medicine at UI Health, told Restaurant Business restaurants need to be flexible as they adopt best practices.

Dr. Ngozi Ezike speaks at a press conference.

Meet the Faculty Assisting Illinois' COVID-19 Response

Faculty from the School of Public Health are working with IDPH to strengthen its incident command system, bolster workplace safety and build strategies for congregate settings.

An aerial view of the UIC West Campus.

SPH Pride Month Statement

SPH pledges to reflect on our work with a broad equity lens and to stand together to say unequivocally that LGBTQ rights are human rights.

Patrick D. Smith headshot.

Commentary: Racism Goes Beyond Action and Intent

Alumnus Patrick Smith, DMD, MPH in Health Policy and Administration '15, reflects on the murder of George Floyd and the role of disregard of people of color as a deadly form of racism.