
An ice cream vendor pushes his cart past a wall mural on a street in Little Village.

Protecting Food Vendors in the Pandemic

LaRaza, a Spanish-language Chicago newspaper, profiled a UIC Center for Healthy Work project creating informational posters to promote safety for food vendors in Little Village.

Supplies for making a homemade mask, including cloth, ties, scissors and measuring tape.

Evaluating Mask Use and Fit

Dr. Jay Bhatt, MPH '02, told Good Morning America how tightly a mask fits to a person's face has a significant impact on how a mask stops droplets.

Paul Sambanis headshot.

Planning for Flu Season During the Pandemic

Paul Sambanis told the South Korean news program Global Insight that flu season planning should focus on the most vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic.

California National Guard members load potatoes into the back of a truck, with boxes of food stacked behind them.

SPH Experts Author Food Assistance Recommendations

Alumna Sabrina Young, PhD, and professor Marian Fitzgibbon, PhD, write for the Society of Behavioral Medicine arguing for increased food assistance during and after the pandemic.

An aerial view of a coal mine.

New Grants Fund Black Lung Surveillance

New grant funding will continue the work of the MINER Center to evaluate Black Lung disease cases among coal miners living in Illinois and Indiana.