Today, environmental factors account for over 25% of the death and disease burden worldwide.

Environmental and workforce health directly influence population health and the vitality of our communities. Without a healthy environment or workforce and communities suffer. Coupled with escalating challenges associated with climate change, we need a strong and diverse public health workforce to identify sustainable solutions.

A degree in EOHS will give you the knowledge and skills to take action and tackle climate change and complex environmental risks in workplaces, communities, and around the world.

Apply today to make your mark and be part of creating a healthier future for tomorrow!

  • Climate Change

    Climate change has resulted in rising global temperatures, changing weather patterns, and severe environmental consequences, necessitating urgent action to mitigate its impacts and safeguard the public’s health.

  • Environmental justice

    Environmental justice is based on the principle that all people should be protected from environmental pollution and have the right to a clean and healthy environment.

  • Worker justice

    Worker justice encompasses advocacy for equitable treatment, fair wages, safe working conditions, and protection from hazards to ensure the well-being and rights of workers within the context of environmental sustainability.

At UIC’s Division of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (EOHS),  students learn to protect workers and communities from environmental hazards in the air, water, soil, and food. Students learn how to anticipate, identify, and assess these hazards; recommend and evaluate measures to reduce exposure to the hazard; and implement and evaluate programs designed to protect and promote health equity and environmental justice. EOHS prepares students for careers in:

  • Environmental justice, climate change, and sustainability
  • Worker health, safety, and advocacy
  • Hazard identification and risk management
  • Exposure science and much more!

The UIC School of Public Health is the only CEPH-accredited school of public health in Illinois, and the division features the ANSAC-ABET-accredited Industrial Hygiene concentration toward Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) credentials. EOHS also offers funded student traineeships through the Great Lakes Center for Occupational Health and Safety.

Quick guide to Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences

What you learn and do in UIC’s EOHS program is essential. Public health is the foundation and front line of population and community-level health. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Our impact on people’s quality of life is invaluable, from education, environmental justice, access to clean water, air, and food, mental health, and reproductive health. Everything is public health. If someone asks you what public health is, answer everything.

Dorothy Foulkes, MS '22  |  Molecular Surveillance Laboratory Manager

EOHS Events & Info Sessions Heading link

Mar 5 2025

Precarious Work in the U.S.: Employment Characteristics, Working Conditions, and Health Impacts

Wednesday, 12:00 pm–12:50 pm America/Chicago
SPHPI Room 932
Mar 6 2025

SPH Staff Com B-Ball Outing To Support MPH Student Athlete

Thursday, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Credit Union 1 Arena
Mar 13 2025

Graduate Information Session

Thursday, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm America/Chicago

Degree Concentrations Heading link

Academic Contacts Heading link

Learn more. Book a meeting with us today!