Financial Aid
School of Public Health Financial Aid Links Heading link
Tuition and Fees Links Heading link
Assistantships Heading link

School of Public Health faculty, divisions, administrative offices and research centers employ graduate students as teaching (TA), research (RA), or graduate assistants (GA). The stipend amount is determined by the appointing unit and may be subject to tax. Tuition and the service fee are waived for assistants if the appointment is between 25 and 67 percent for at least three quarters of the term (91 calendar days in fall or spring semester, 41 calendar days during the summer session). All assistants must maintain a minimum of eight semester hours in the semester for which the waiver is held (three in the summer term).
Scholarships Heading link

The UIC School of Public Health recognizes outstanding students, faculty, and alumni each year via numerous scholarships for academic and research achievements, and overall potential for success in the field. These awards are supported through generous contributions from donors within the public health community.
Student Employment Heading link

School of Public Health students are eligible for Federal Work Study to work part-time to provide financial support. Graduate students can apply for employment as a Graduate Hourly Student Employee, which is not based on financial need. Read more for information on how to apply and how payments are disbursed.
Other Types of Financial Aid Heading link

Further financial aid opportunities are available to School of Public Health students including benefits for military veterans, access to public service loan forgiveness programs, emergency tuition funding and funding for academic opportunities including research, presentations and travel.