Alumnus Edward Rafalski's new book details how healthcare administrators face new opportunities to use ever-growing amounts of patient data to improve decision-making in clinical settings.
Uchechi Mitchell's pilot grant with the Center for Health Equity and Research Chicago documented the effects of hopelessness but also assets and resilience that define communities that have experienced rejection and marginalization.
MPH student Colin Hendrickson traveled to Kisumu, Kenya, working with SPH's Dr. Samuel Dorevitch on testing an ozone disinfection system to expand clean water access.
Ryan Zimmerman, Master of Healthcare Administration alumnus and director and medical technology analyst at BTIG, was featured in MedCity News on the acquisition of a medical imaging technology company.
Doctor of Public Health Leadership student Nytzia Licona created a volunteer program to boost traumatic brain injury studies at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System.
A new grant from the Alpha Foundation supports SPH researchers investigating how various mine dusts are contributing to the recent spike in black lung disease diagnoses.