SPH's Dr. Mark Dworkin called for humanizing the scientific term, calling for understanding of the spread of the virus at birthday parties and funerals before social distancing.
SPH's Dr. Linda Rae Murray told NBC 5 Chicago the virus is exposing stark social and economic inequities in society as those who cannot work from home are at high risk.
SPH's Dr. Linda Rae Murray said the prevalence of chronic diseases among Black residents of the city is a major factor increasing risk for severe COVID-19 infection.
SPH's Dr. Robert Cohen was cited in the Washington Post, analyzing trends in Black Lung diagnoses as coal companies seek to reduce payments to a healthcare trust fund.
Margaret Sietsema, PhD '15, MS '11, and Lisa Brosseau, PhD|Posted on April 08, 2020
Professors Margaret Sietsema, PhD '15, MS '11, and Lisa Brosseau, PhD, offer insight on steps hospitals are taking to conserve PPE resources addressing COVID-19.
An commentary by Margaret Sietsema and Lisa Brosseau was featured by the Toronto Star in a discussion of the proposed widespread use of masks during COVID-19.
SPH's Sage Kim noted Illinois jails and prisons have disproportionately high rates of people with chronic illness, an indicator of risk for severe COVID-19 infection.
Alumnus Karriem Watson spoke about the need of readily available testing for Mile Square Health Centers' clients, many of whom are in low-income households.