Preparing advocates for health equity, social justice and well-being for people in Chicago and around the globe

The Bachelor of Arts is designed for public health students who are interested in addressing the social determinants of health. The program prepares students to assume a wide variety of jobs and roles in public health. Students in the BA select a focus of study that reflects their own individual interests and builds their practice of public health. That focus guides them in exploring a set of courses across campus that may include sociology, psychology, education, public policy, gender and women's studies and many others across campus.

The program prepares students to assume a wide variety of jobs and roles in public health.  Graduates work in governmental public health, for health agencies and associations, for faith-based agencies and programs, and for educational institutions managing projects, contributing to research and organizing community efforts. Many students who earn a BA continue to graduate programs either immediately or after accumulating a few years of experience working in public health.

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