Alumni Testimonials
Alumni Quotes Heading link

“The online Public Health Informatics program has provided me with an opportunity to obtain a degree in a field of interest with the convenience of not having to be on campus. In addition, online discussions and projects with professors and fellow students have taught me more than I would have learned by preparing for a standard in-class exam. Through the discussions I was able to increase my confidence to express my opinions which I would never have done in a classroom environment. For this I should thank every professor within the Public Health Informatics Program.”
Doctoral student, Public Health Informatics & Research Information Specialist, UIC College of Medicine|

“The PHI courses were well planned and provided me with in-depth knowledge about how information systems work in hospitals and public health agencies. I learnt the importance of technology in healthcare management, underlying dynamics of HIS, and the tools required to specify the requirements for the development or adaptation of public health-related information systems. Above all, I am now very familiar with data definitions and standards and can discuss these issues knowledgeably with pure data specialists.”
National Consultant, Making Pregnancy Safe, WHO India Office, New Delhi|

“The program allowed me to pursue a master’s degree while working a full time job. I commute by train every day, and found that to be the perfect time to keep up on class work. The fact that the program is entirely online was of great interest to me. The Public Health Informatics MPH program takes advantage of resources at both the School of Public Health and College of Applied Health Sciences.”
Associate Professor of Medicine, UIC College of Medicine|

“UIC’s program is one of the first, and best, efforts to place the study of informatics into a public health context. I consistently use the concepts learned throughout the MPH coursework in teaching my own students and public health professionals in my state. UIC’s affordable distance learning program allows practicing public health professionals to improve their knowledge of informatics while still serving their communities.”
Assistant Professor of Health Care Informatics, University of Montana at Butte|

“The quality of education I received from the PHI program at UIC enables me to perform at the highest level in all areas of my current position. I currently hold several positions at UC – Davis’ Health Informatics Graduate Program. My responsibilities include the development of graduate curriculum, working on public health informatics grants, teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in public health informatics, all of which could not be possible without my degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago.”
Public Health Informaticist and Assistant Director, Health Informatics Graduate Program, University of California at Davis School of Medicine|