Teaching and Learning Resources
UIC SPH Teaching & Learning Guide
Teaching & Learning Workshop Series
GenAI Pre- Approval for Theses and Dissertations
Syllabi resources Heading link
Teaching Assistant (TA) Resources Heading link
Peer Evaluation of Teaching Forms Heading link
Peer evaluation of teaching is required for UIC promotion and tenure processes, including mid-probationary reviews for tenure track faculty, pre-promotion reviews for tenured and non-tenure system faculty, and for full promotion and tenure reviews. Peer evaluation of teaching is also required for UIC teaching recognition awards.
To facilitate the evaluation, the SPH Office of Academic Affairs, with input from the SPH Teaching and Learning Workgroup, have revised the SPH Peer Evaluation of Teaching form to better accommodate the three teaching modalities used in SPH; there is now a separate form for each modality:
If you are obtaining a peer evaluation of teaching for a hybrid course, we recommend choosing between the in-person or the online synchronous versions of the form (to be determined by you and your evaluator).
Copies of the forms are available in the following places that are accessible to all faculty:
- SPH Teaching and Learning Teams Channel
- SPH Faculty and Staff webpage under Teaching & Learning Resources
- SPH Faculty and Staff webpage under Promotion & Tenure
Please reach out to sphoaa@uic.edu with any questions about the forms. If you have questions about the use of the forms for promotion and tenure or awards, please consult your Division Director, business manager, Kamil Czarnowski, or Jamie Chriqui.

SPH Success Heading link
The SPH Success program includes resources for incoming MPH, MHA, and MS students to help students prepare for and succeed in the core courses required for each master’s program. The SPH Success program is accessible to all incoming master’s students at the UIC School of Public Health. Incoming students are automatically enrolled in the SPH Success Blackboard site once they have submitted their initial deposit and intent to enroll forms.

SPH Peer Support Team Heading link
The Peer Support Team members are advanced masters or doctoral students in the School of Public Health or who are dedicated to helping their peers succeed academically in quantitative methods and writing related courses at SPH.