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The MPH concentration in biostatistics is designed for health professionals who require competency in the management, analysis, and interpretation of public health data and knowledge of data analysis issues as applied to a particular area of public health. This degree is appropriate for persons interested in obtaining employment in the pharmaceutical industry, in government, or in an academic setting, or for persons interested in pursuing a doctoral degree. Enrollment can be on a full- or part-time basis.

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A painted wall displays a medical professional wearing a face mask holding up a gloved fist with the word
Join an Epidemics of Injustice class
Epidemics of Injustice is a public health course, free and open to the public, building tools to bring about social change and address structural determinants of health. Our Spring 2021 theme is resistance, rebellion and revolution through public health.
A billboard in Chicago states
Learn about our efforts addressing COVID-19
Our approach centers on equity and justice, focusing on addressing social vulnerabilities, addressing the needs of essential workers, promoting policies and building data highlighting community needs.
Children play on a swing hanging from a tree.
Learn about global health opportunities
Our global health concentration prepares MPH students to address emerging global health problems, with an applied practice experience building global health solutions in nations around the world.
Students walk across the quad on UIC's east campus.
Learn about financial aid opportunities
View information on financial aid and scholarships available to SPH students.

Experiential learning unique to our MPH programs Heading link

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