Health Promotion Experts

Jamie Chriqui Heading link
Expert on: obesity, nutrition, physical activity.
Jamie Chriqui conducts nationwide research on the implementation and impact of obesity, nutrition, and physical activity-related policies. She has led the largest nationwide study of the pedestrian orientation of local land use and zoning policies and new urbanist zoning code reforms from over 4000 jurisdictions nationwide and their association with physical activity behaviors and also studies the adoption and implementation of complete streets policies nationwide. She previously served on two Institute of Medicine committees related to obesity prevention.

Jeni Hebert-Beirne Heading link
Dr. Hebert-Beirne focuses on the production of knowledge in partnership with those most impacted in order to produce evidenced informed health information that is inclusive and relevant to broad populations. She also focuses on community engaged knowledge translation of evidence informed health information using novel methodologies for engagement and dissemination.

Susan Hughes Heading link
Expert on: physical activity, weight management, aging and brain health
Dr. Susan Hughes designed and tested Fit & Strong!, a physical activity/behavior change program that has significantly improved the functioning of older adults with arthritis. Fit & Strong! has been tested with Latinx and Portuguese participants and is now provided in more than 30 states. She recently tested Fit & Strong! Plus that targets physical activity and weight management. She found that F&S Plus achieves modest weight loss that is accompanied by clinically significant improvement in OA symptoms and mobility.

Naoko Muramatsu Heading link
Expert on: physical activity, aging, caregiving.
Naoko Muramatsu is an expert of health promotion and health protection, especially among frail older adults and their caregivers. She is a principal investigator of “Promoting Seniors’ Health with Home Care Aides (Pro-Home)” funded by the National Institute on Aging. This community-based health promotion program partners with home care aides to bring a gentle physical activity or thinking activity to frail, older, mostly African American and Latino recipients of Medicaid-funded home care..