Dr. Mark Dworkin told the Wall Street Journal the primary factor driving COVID surges across the Midwest is public compliance with public health guidelines.
Dr. Mark Dworkin, professor of epidemiology, worked with Glen Ellyn School District 41 to analyze COVID-19 tests results and build a hybrid re-opening model.
Abigail Silva, PhD '13 and MPH '98 in Epidemiology, is leading a new grant funded by the Walder Foundation addressing community spread of COVID-19 in Maywood.
Dean Wayne H. Giles provided a TedX Chicago lecture on strategies for building healthier communities across the city through targeted health interventions.
As a major spike in COVID-19 cases hits Cook County, Illinois in the fall of 2020, SPH researchers are examining spatial analyses to apply lessons from the first wave to the pandemic.
Dr. Mark Dworkin told Yahoo News the current discrepancies between COVID-19 case numbers and fatalities is partially driven by the volume of young people infected.
Tiffany Ford, MPH in Community Health Sciences '16, is the co-author of a new report tracking the struggles of the middle class before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Alumnus and professor Karriem Watson told ABC 7 Chicago News that vaccine promotion efforts need to address historical abuses and disparities in healthcare systems.
Dr. Mark Dworkin told Newsy, a U.S.-based news service, that a nationwide shelter-in-place order to lower COVID-19 infections is unlikely and possibly not legal.