Wayne H. Giles, MD, MS
School of Public Health
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1175 SPHPI
1603 W. Taylor St.
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Wayne H. Giles, MD, MS, became the Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in September 2017. UIC is the only fully accredited school of public health in the state of Illinois. It has four Divisions and offers seven degrees.
Prior to joining UIC, he spent 25 years at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) where he led the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, the Division of Population Health and the Division of Adult and Community Health. All within the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. His portfolio at the CDC included running one of the organization’s most diverse divisions with programmatic and research activities in community health promotion, arthritis, aging, health care utilization, school health and racial and ethnic disparities in health.
His past work experience has included studies examining the prevalence of hypertension in Africa, clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering agents, and studies examining racial differences in the incidence of stroke. He has over 150 publications in peer reviewed journals and has authored several book chapters. He has been the recipient of numerous awards including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Charles C. Shepard Award in Assessment and Epidemiology and the Jeffrey P. Koplan Award.
Dr. Giles, holds a BA in Biology from Washington University, a MS in Epidemiology from the University of Maryland, and an MD from Washington University, and has completed residencies in both Internal Medicine (University of Alabama at Birmingham) and Preventive Medicine (University of Maryland).
Professional Leadership
Board Member, Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health
Advisory Board Member, Department of Population Science and Policy, Southern Illinois University, School of Medicine
Member, Chicago Institute of Medicine