Benjamin Shaw, PhD
Division Director
Community Health Sciences
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Benjamin Shaw, PhD, MPH, is a Professor and Director of the Division of Community Health Sciences at the University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health. Prior to coming to UIC (in 2021), he was a Professor of Health Policy, Management, and Behavior - and Associate Dean for Research - at the University at Albany (SUNY) School of Public Health. His research focuses on social and behavioral determinants of health across the life course, with a emphasis on aging populations. He is a Fellow in the Gerontological Society of America, and currently serves on three editorial boards: Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences (since 2008), the Journal of Aging and Health (since 2006), and Research on Aging (since 2016). From 2015-17, he served as Director of an NIH-funded Population Center (the Center for Social and Demographic Analysis) at UAlbany. Since 2011, he has been an invited Guest Researcher at the Karolinska Institute’s Aging Research Center, in Stockholm, Sweden, on multiple occasions. He received his PhD from the University of Michigan School of Public Health in 2002, and a BA in Psychology from Colgate University in 1993.
Selected Publications
Yang, T.C., Kim, S., Choi, S.E., Halloway, S., Mitchell, U., & Shaw, B.A. (2023). Neighborhood features and cognitive function: Moderating roles of individual socioeconomic status. Accepted at American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Mitchell, U.A., Shaw, B.A., Torres, J.M., Brown, L.L., & Barnes, L.L. (2023). The effects of mid-life acute and chronic stressors on Black-White differences in cognitive decline. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, gbad143, https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbad143
Shaw, B.A., Yang, T.C., & Kim, S. (2023). Living alone during old age and the risk of dementia: Assessing the cumulative risk of living alone. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 78(2), 293-301, https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbac156.
Yang, T-C., Schoff, C., Shaw, B.A., & Strully, K. (2023). Neighborhood characteristics and opioid use disorder among older Medicare beneficiaries: An examination of the role of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health and Place, 79, 102941.
Lin, S., Deng, X., Ryan, I., Zhang, K., Zhang, W., Oghaghare, E., Bennett, D.G., & Shaw, B.A. (2022). COVID-19 symptoms and deaths among health care workers in the United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 28(8), 1624.
Shaw, B.A., Dahlberg, L., Nilsen, C., & Agahi, N. (2020). Trends in the mortality risk of living alone during old age in Sweden, 1992-2011. Journal of Aging and Health, 32(10), 1399-1408.
Shaw, B.A., Fors, S., Fritzell, J., Lennartsson, C., & Agahi, N. (2018). Who lives alone during old age? Trends in the social and functional disadvantages of Sweden’s solitary living older adults. Research on Aging, 40(9), 815-38. https://doi.org/10.1177/0164027517747120
Udo, T., Vasquez, E., & Shaw, B.A. (2015). A lifetime history of alcohol use disorder increases risk for chronic medical conditions after stable remission. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 157, 68-74.
Shaw, B.A., & Agahi, N. (2014). Smoking and physical inactivity patterns during midlife as predictors of all-cause mortality and disability: A 39-year prospective study. European Journal of Ageing, 11, 195-204.
Shaw, B.A., McGeever, K., Vasquez, E., Agahi, N., & Fors, S. (2014). Socioeconomic inequalities in health after age 50: Are health risk behaviors to blame? Social Science and Medicine, 101, 52-60.
Publication Aggregators
PhD, 2002, University of Michigan (Health Behavior and Health Education)
MPH, 1996, University of Michigan (Health Behavior and Health Education)
BA, 1993, Colgate University (Psychology)