Photo of Basu, Sanjib

Sanjib Basu

Paul Levy and Virginia F. Tomasek Professor of Biostatistics

Disntinguished Professor of UIC

Epidemiology and Biostatistics


Building & Room:



1603 W. Taylor St.

Office Phone:

(312) 413-8703



Sanjib Basu is a Professor and leads the Section of Biostatistics within the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, at University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) School of Public Health.

  • Distinguished Professor of University of Illinois Chicago
  • Paul Levy and Virginia F. Tomasek Professor of Biostatistics
  • Fellow, American Statistical Association
  • Elected Member, International Statistical Institute

Sanjib co-leads the Population Health Analytics Metrics and Evaluation Center of the UIC School of Public Health and is the Principal Investigator of the Data Driven Equity in Health Cook County project. He is an Associate Director of the UIC Institute for Equitable Health Data Science Research and is a Principal Investigator (MPI) of the National Science Foundation supported Bayesian Joint Model for High Dimensional Health Data project.

Prior to joining UIC, Sanjib spent 20 years as a faculty at Northern Illinois University (NIU) where he served as the Director of the Division of Statistics and was honored as a Presidential Research Professor of NIU.

Editorial roles

  • Editor, Sankhya, Series B, Springer Publications
  • Associate Editor, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Oxford Academic Publications
  • Associate Editor, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Sage Publications
  • Associate Editor, Statistics & Probability Letters, Elsevier Publications
  • Associate Editor, Sankhya, Series A, Springer Publications,

Selected Publications

Sun, J. and Basu, S. (2024), Penalized Joint Models of High-Dimensional Longitudinal Biomarkers and A Survival Outcome, Annals of Applied Statistics, 18 (2) 1490 – 1505, June 2024.

Jiang, Q. and Basu, S. (2024), Cure models with adaptive activation for modeling cancer survival, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Vol. 33(2) 227–242,

Chatterjee, S., Chowdhury, S., Ryu, D., Basu, S. (2023) Bayesian Functional Data Analysis over Dependent Regions and Its Application for Identification of Differentially Methylated Regions, Biometrics, 1–13.

Ghosal, N., Basu, S., and Bhaumik, D. (2023), Detection of Sparse Differential Dependent Functional Brain Connectivity, Statistics in Medicine, 42, 4664–4680,

Kim, S., McWhirter, N., Duong, K., Stinehouse, P., Khare, M.M., Giles, W., Basu, S., Hershow, R.C., Stiehl, E. (2023), COVID-19 vaccine policy implementation and differential vaccine uptake trajectories in Chicago communities, Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 30(1):p E21-E30, January/February 2024.

Prieto-Centurion, V., Holm, K. E., Casaburi, R., Porszasz, J., Basu, S., Bracken, N. E., Gallardo III, R., Gonzalez, V., Illendula, S.D., Sandhaus, R.A., Sullivan, J.L., Walsh, L.J., Gerald, L. B., and Krishnan, J. A. (2023). A Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Study of Adherence to Long-Term Oxygen Therapy for COPD. Annals of the American Thoracic Society,

Chen R., Basu, S., Meyer, J.P., Shi, Q. (2022) Conversion of Non-inferiority Margin from Hazard Ratio to Restricted Mean Survival Time Difference Using Data from Multiple Historical Trials, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31 (10), 1819-1844.

LaBedz.S.L., Prieto-Centurion, V., Mutso, A., Basu, S., Bracken, N.E., Calhoun, E.A., DiDomenico, R.A., Joo, M., Simon Pickard, A., Pittendrigh, B., Williams, M.A., Illendula, S., Krishnan, J.A. (2022) Pragmatic clinical trial to improve patient experience among adults during transitions from hospital-to-home: the PArTNER study, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 1-9

Chatterjee, S., Chowdhury, S. and Basu, S. (2021), A Model-free Approach for Testing Association, Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Ser. C (Applied Statistics), 70(3), 511-531,

Maity, A., Basu, S. and Ghosh, S. (2021) Bayesian criterion-based variable selection. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 70(4), 835-857

LaBedz, S.L. Krishnan, J.A., Chung, Y-C, Lindenauer, P.K. Spece, L.J. Feemster, L.C. Stein, E.M., Buhr, R.G., Basu, S., Prieto Centurion, V. (2021) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Outcomes at Veterans Affairs vs Non-Veterans hospitals. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2021;8(3):306-313.

Martin, M.A, Caskey, R., Glassgow, A.E., Pappalardo, A., Hsu, L., Jang. J., Basu, S., Minier. M., Fox, K., Van Voorhees, B. (2021). School attendance trends in low-income children with chronic health conditions: Results from a randomized controlled trial.
Journal of School Health. 91 (3), 187-194

Freeman, V.L, Boylan, E.E, Tilahun, N.Y, Basu, S., Kwan, M-P (2020) Sources of Selection and Information Biases When Using Commercial Database-Derived Residential Histories for Cancer Research, Annals of Epidemiology, 51, 35-40.

Prieto-Centurion, V., Basu, S., Bracken, N., Calhoun, E., Dickens, C., DiDomenico, R.J., Gallardo, R., Gordeuk V., Gutierrez-Kapheim, M., Hsu, L.L., Illendula, S., Joo, M., Kazmi, U., Mutso,A., Simon Pickard, A., Pittendrigh, B., . Sullivan, J.L., Williams. M., Krishnan, J. A. (2019) Design of the Patient Navigator to Reduce Readmissions (PArTNER) study: A pragmatic clinical effectiveness trial, Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 15, p.100420.

Basu, S. and Santra, S. (2010), A joint model for incomplete data in crossover trials, J. Statist. Planning and Inference., 140, 10,2839-2845

Basu, S. and Tiwari, R. (2010), Breast cancer survival, competing risks and mixture cure model: a Bayesian analysis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Statistics in Society. 173, 307–329

Ghosh, P, Basu, S. and Tiwari, R. (2009), Bayesian Analysis of Cancer Rates from SEER Program Using Parametric and Semiparametric Joinpoint Regression Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association. 104(486): 439-452

Basu, S. and Chib, S. (2003), Marginal likelihood and Bayes factor for Dirichlet Process Mixture models. Journal of American Statistical Association, 98, 224-235.

Basu, S., Sen, A. and Banerjee, M. (2003), Bayesian Analysis of Competing Risks with Partially Masked Cause-of-failure. Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Ser. C (Applied Statistics), 52, 77-93.

Basu, S. and Ebrahimi, N. (2003), Bayesian software reliability models based on martingale processes, Technometrics, 45, 150-158.

Basu, S. and Ebrahimi, N. (2001), Bayesian capture-recapture methods for error detection and estimation of population size: heterogeneity and dependence, Biometrika, 88, 269-279

Basu, S., Banerjee, M. and Sen, A. (2000) Bayesian Inference for Kappa statistics from single and multiple studies, Biometrics, 56, 577-582.

Basu, S. and DasGupta, A. (1995), Robustness of standard confidence intervals for location parameters under departure from normality, The Annals of Statistics, V.23, 1433-1442