Joseph Phillip Zanoni, PhD, MILR
Adjunct Instructor
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Pronouns: He/Him/His
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1603 W. Taylor St.
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Joseph Zanoni, PhD, MILR is core faculty of the Undergraduate Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health (UIC SPH), team teaching PUHB 370/397 Using the Public Health Toolbox focusing on public health practice with Drs. Linda Rae Murray, Mildred Williamson and Griselle Torres. He received the UIC Silver Circle Teaching Award in 2017 nominated by the program graduates. Joe led training and research projects as the Director of Continuing Education and Outreach for the Illinois Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Education and Research Center (ERC), UIC SPH. He retired with 20 years of service in 2018. He is a co-investigator with the NIOSH Total Worker Health TM Center for Healthy Work. As a Research Assistant Professor in Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences he works to support and strengthen the peer education capacities of immigrant, domestic, and homecare workers. His research interests include community engagement, action research, teaching and learning. Joe also served as Chair of the Occupational Health Section, APHA, in 2017 and serves as the Secretary of Health and Medicine Policy Research Group, a health equity practice organization and as Director for the Latino Union of Chicago.
Selected Publications
Zanoni, J. (2015). Theorizing Dialogue Among Various Voices in Critical Theory. In D. Lightfoot
and R. Peach (Eds). Global Perspectives on Human Capital in Early Childhood Education:
Reconceptualizing Theory, Policy and Practice. New York: Palgrave.
Zanoni, J. (2013). Talk and praxis: Learning dialogue in community. Saarbrücken, Germany:
Scholars’ Press Publishing. (ISBN: 978-3-639-70107-4).
Zanoni, J. (2013). Cultivating experiential knowledge: Peer educators working disciplinary borders. Postcolonial Directions in Education 2(2), 186-225.
Zanoni, J. (2013). Confronting inequity: Participatory education impacting health at work.
Journal Of Critical Thought and Praxis 2(1), 18-39.
Zanoni, J., Avila, S., Murray, L., Guzman, A., Levine, D., & Joseph, K. (2011). Youth violence
prevention curriculum evaluation: Outcomes of a Cook County, Illinois community based
partnership. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 31(2), 171-186.
Service to Community
Director, Executive Committee Member: Health and Medicine Policy Research Group (2002-Present). Officer, Secretary: Health and Medicine Policy Research Group (2012-present).
Director, Latino Union of Chicago, (2016).
Committee on Educational Programs, Elected Chair 2012 and 2013.
Undergraduate Program Oversight Committee, Elected Chair 2014, 2o15, 2016, 2017.
General Education Council of UIC, 2015, 2016, 2017.
Professional Leadership
Past Chair, 2017, Chair, 2016; Chair-Elect, 2015., American Public Health Association, Occupational Health Section,
Notable Honors
2017, Silver Circle Award-Excellence in Teaching, University of Illinois at Chicago
1999, Master Peacemaker, Ambulatory and Community Health Network of Cook County and Department of Trauma, Cook County Hospital
University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI, 1980
Bachelors of Science in Education (B.S.-Ed.)
Behavioral Disabilities-Early Childhood Exceptional Educational Need
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, 1986
Masters in Industrial and Labor Relations (MILR)
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, 2010
Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PhD)
Curriculum Studies
Dissertation: Latina/o charla (chat) discourse for praxis: Analysis of social agency, power/knowledge and voice.
Professional Memberships
American Public Health Associate, Occupational Health Section