Photo of Chriqui, Jamie F.

Jamie F. Chriqui, PhD, MHS

Senior Associate Dean and Professor

Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty Career Development, UIC

Dean's Office and Health Policy & Administration

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers


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SPHPI Room 1149


1603 W. Taylor St.

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(312) 355-5347

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Office Hours - Spring 2025
Thursday 01:00pm – 02:00pm Most Thursdays, email me to confirm


Jamie F. Chriqui, PhD, MHS, is Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Health Policy and Administration (HPA) in the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She also serves as the Assistant Vice-Provost for Faculty Career Development at UIC. She has over 34 years’ experience conducting public health policy research, evaluation, and analysis. Prior to joining UIC in 2007, she spent 17 years working as a policy analyst in Washington, D.C. for ADAMHA (predecessor to SAMHSA) and NIH and in government contracting in support of most US DHHS agencies. She is considered a national expert on policy surveillance and on evaluating laws and policies and their impact on communities, systems, and population health with an emphasis on chronic disease issues including obesity, nutrition, physical activity, substance abuse, and tobacco control. Her current research focuses on studying the implementation and impact of federal, state, and/or local obesity, nutrition, and activity-related laws and policies (including statutes, regulations, and zoning and land use policies) on communities, schools, and individual-level outcomes. She co-directs the CDC's Physical Activity Policy Research and Evaluation Network and is an advisor for numerous federal, foundation, and nonprofit organizations. Previously, she served on two IOM obesity prevention-related committees and was an appointed member of the CDC's Community Preventive Services Task Force. She holds a BA in political science from Barnard College at Columbia University in New York; an MHS in health policy from Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health; and a PhD in policy sciences with a health policy concentration from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Selected Publications

Chriqui JF, Leider J, Turner L, Piekarz-Porter E, Schwartz MB. (2021 Jan). State wellness policy requirement laws matter for district wellness policy comprehensiveness and wellness policy implementation in the United States. Nutrients 13(1): 188. doi: 3390/nu13010188. PMID: 33435387

Chriqui JF, Lin W, Leider J, Shang C, Perna F. (In press.) The harmonizing effect of smart snacks on the association between state snack laws and consumption of fruits and vegetables among high school students, United States–2005-2017. Preventive Medicine. Oct;139:106093. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106093. Epub 2020 Apr 16. PMID: 32305581

Bauer KW, Chriqui JF, Andreyeva T, Kenney EL, Stage VC, Dev D, Lessard L, Cotwright CJ, Tovar A. (2021 Jan). A safety net unraveling: Feeding young children during COVID-19. American Journal of Public Health 111(1): 116-120. doi:2105/AJPH.2020.305980 PMID: 33211589

Chriqui JF, Leider J, Temkin D, Piekarz-Porter E, Schermbeck RM, Stuart-Cassel V. (2020 Dec). State laws matter when it comes to district policymaking relative to the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Framework. Journal of School Health 90(12): 907-917. doi: 10.1111/josh.12959 PMID: 33184878

Cohen JFW, Schwartz MB, Leider J, Turner L, Chriqui JF. (2020, Sept. 30.) Meal quality of entrees that can be sold as competitive foods in schools and potential impact of the proposed USDA rollbacks. Nutrients 12(10):E3003. doi: 10.3390/nu12103003. PMID:

Chriqui JF, Leider J, Schermbeck RM, Sanghera A, Pugach O. (2020, Sept. 15) Changes in Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) practices at participating early care and education centers in the United States following Updated National Standards, 2017-2019. Nutrients 12(9): E2818. doi: 10.3390/nu12092818 PMID: 32942598

Chriqui JF, Sansone C, Powell LM. (2020, July.) The sweetened beverage tax in Cook County, Illinois: Lessons from a Failed Effort. American Journal of Public Health 110(7): 1009-1016. PMID: 32437287

Chriqui JF, Leider J, Thrun E, Nicholson LM, Slater S (2017). Pedestrianoriented zoning is associated with reduced income and poverty disparities in adult active travel to work, United States. Preventive Medicine 95 Suppl: S126-S133. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.10.003. PMID: 27713102

Leider J, Chriqui JF, Thrun E (2017). Associations between active living-oriented zoning and no adult leisure time physical ativity in the U.S. Preventive Medicine 95 Suppl: S120-125. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.06.029. PMID: 27364934. PMCID: PMC5191996

Chriqui JF, Leider J, Thrun E, Nicholson LM, Slater SJ (2016). Communities on the move: Pedestrian-oriented zoning as a facilitator of adult active travel to work in the United States. Frontiers in Public Health 4(71): doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00071. PMID: 27148517 PMCID: PMC4834572

Publication Aggregators

Service to Community

Appointed Positions

Appointed Member (by CDC Director), federal Community Preventive Services Task Force (produces the Community Guide), 2016-2021

Appointed Member, Institute of Medicine Committee on Evaluating Progress in Obesity Prevention, 2012-2013

Appointed Member, Community Level Health Promotion Study Section, NIH, 2013-2017 (4-year term)

Appointed Member, Institute of Medicine Committee on Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention, 2010-2012

Selected Expert Panels/Advisory Committees

Invited Contributor, American Heart Association, Active Transportation Policy Statement Working Group, April 2018-2019

Invited Participant/Contributor, Committee on Strategies for Implementing Physical Activity Surveillance, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, November 2018

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors Physical Activity Assessment Tool Advisory Council Member, February-May 2018

Invited Planning Committee Member, Public Workshop on How Investments in the Built Environment and Transportation Contribute to the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity, Roundtable on Obesity Solutions of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, June 2017-September 2017.

Invited Participant, Expert Meeting on Actions to Improve Physical Activity Surveillance in the US, Physical Activity and Health Innovation Collaborative, Roundtable on Obesity Solutions of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, April 2017

Invited Planning Committee Member and Participant, NIH Pathways to Prevention Workshop on Methods for Evaluating Natural Experiments in Obesity, December 2016-present (Workshop is December 2017)

Advisory Committee Member, Urban Design for Health National Environmental Database Advisory Committee, 2016-2019

CDC Public Health Law Program, Legal Epidemiology Competencies Model Project, External Review Member, 2016

Berkeley Media Studies Group, Advisory Group on School Meal Debates, 2016

Horizon Foundation, Howard County Unsweetened Advisory Board Member, 2016

Chicago Public Schools Wellness Policy Review Advisory Committee, 2015-2016

Steering Committee Member, Voices for Healthy Kids School Health Policy Consortium, 2016-present

Advisor to the Board of Directors, Action for Healthy Kids, 2015-present

External Advisory Board Member, Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago’s Children, 2012-present

Professional Leadership

President, Delta Omega, Lambda Chapter

Notable Honors

2018, University Scholar, University of Illinois System

2017, Distinguished Researcher of the Year in the Social Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago

2017, Delta Omega National Public Health Honor Society, Lambda Chapter, UIC School of Public Health

2000, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Chapter 22, University of Maryland Graduate School


Ph.D. 2000 University of Maryland, Baltimore County—Policy Sciences (Health Policy Concentration)
M.H.S. 1994 Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health—Health Policy
B.A. 1990 Barnard College, Columbia University—Political Science

Professional Memberships

American Public Health Association

American Planning Association