Rachel Caskey, MD, MaPP
Medicine and Pediatrics
440 Clinical Sciences North, M/C 718 Chicago IL 60612
Dr. Rachel Caskey is a department affiliate with the Maternal and Child Health Program in the Community Health Science division and a Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine. She is board certified in both pediatrics and internal medicine and is a primary care provider for all ages. Dr. Caskey is the Chief of the Division of Academic Internal Medicine at UIC and a health services researcher. Her research focuses on investigating novel mechanisms to positively impact health behaviors which result in improved health outcomes, streamlined healthcare systems and cost savings. Her recent projects include health and public health interventions to improve outcomes for postpartum people. She leads system-level interventions to improve access to health and mental care during the postpartum period.
Dr Caskey has served on several Chicago Department of Public Health committees and task forces. She works with the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics on vaccine promotion efforts. Dr. Caskey speaks nationally about adolescent health and vaccine promotion.