Amanda Bennett, PhD, MPH
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Team Lead, CDC Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program
Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Dr. Bennett has been an adjunct faculty member at the UIC School of Public Health since 2016. In this capacity, she previously taught the Pediatric Epidemiology course, routinely guest lectures in epidemiology and maternal and child health classes, and mentors students in maternal and child health epidemiology. Dr. Bennett has expertise in the field of applied maternal and child health epidemiology, with more than 15 years of experience working with state and federal public health partners in various capacities, including as a former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) field assignee in maternal and child health epidemiology to the state of Illinois for 9 years. She is currently the Team Lead for the CDC Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program, which aims to build capacity for applied epidemiology in state, territorial, local, and tribal health agencies in the United States. Her current research interests include: maternal morbidity and mortality, mental health and substance use disorders among women of reproductive age, perinatal regionalization, and infant mortality prevention. Her areas of expertise include: public health surveillance, program evaluation, analysis of survey data, and data translation.
Selected Publications
Holicky A, Anderson-Reeves T, Bennett AC, Lightner S, McRae KD, Handler A. (2024). From the Field: Child Care as a Barrier to Perinatal Health Care in Illinois. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 28(2): 221-228.
- Lee King PA, Finnegan K, Scheider P, Oh EH, Lee S, Bennett A, Borders A. (2023). Optimizing accuracy of birth certificate data through a statewide quality improvement initiative in Illinois. Journal of Perinatology, 41(11): 1440-1445.
- Neelam V, Reeves EL, Woodworth KR, Olsen EO, Reynolds M, Rende J, Wingate H, Manning S, Romitti P, Ojo KD, Silcox K, Barton JE, Mobley E, Longcore ND, Sokale A, Lush M, Delgado-López C, Diedhiou A, Mbotha D, Simon W, Reynolds B, Hamdan TS, Beauregard S, Ellis E, Seo JY, Bennett A, Ellington S, Hall AJ, Azziz Baumgartner E, Tong VT, Gilboa G (2023). Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes by Trimester of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Pregnancy – SET-NET, 22 Jurisdictions, January 25, 2020 – December 31, 2020. Birth Defects Research, 115(2): 145-159.
- Goyal S, Gerardin J, Cobey S, Son C, McCarthy O, Dror A, Lightner S, Ezike NO, Duffas W, Bennett AC (2022). SARS-CoV-2 infection among pregnant people at labor and delivery and changes in infection rates for the general population: Lessons learned from Illinois. Public Health Reports, 137(4): 672-678.
- Manning SE, Bennett AC, Ellington S, Goyal S, Harvey E, Sizemore L, Wingate H (2022). Sensitivity of pregnancy status on the COVID-19 case report form among pregnancies completed through December 31, 2020 — Illinois and Tennessee. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 26: 217-223.
- Reising VR, Horne AA, Bennett AC (2021). The Interaction of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Availability for Women Insured by Medicaid. Public Health Nursing, 38(1): 98-105.
- Shah KP, deRegnier RO, Grobman WA, Bennett AC (2020). Neonatal Mortality after Inter-hospital Transfer of Pregnant Women for Imminent Very Preterm Birth, Illinois. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics, 174(4): 358-365.
- Labgold K, Bennett AC, Wells KM (2020). GIS Snapshot: Applications of Cluster Analysis and Cluster Ranking for Understanding the Burden of Childhood Asthma Inpatient Hospitalizations in Cook County, IL (2011-2014). Preventing Chronic Disease, 17(5).
- Bennett AC, Gibson C, Rohan AM, Howland JF, and Rankin KM. (2019). Mental Health and Substance Use-Related Hospitalizations among Women of Reproductive Age in Illinois and Wisconsin. Public Health Reports, 134(1): 17-26.
- Catalano, A, Bennett A, Busacker A, Carr A, Goodman D, Kroelinger C, Okoroh E, Brantley M, and Barfield W. (2017). Implementing CDC’s Level of Care Assessment Tool (LOCATe): A National Collaboration to Improve Maternal and Child Health. Journal of Women’s Health, 26(12): 1265-1269.
PhD, Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology, University of Illinois at Chicago
MPH, Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology, University of Illinois at Chicago