Ayesha Akhtar, MPH
VP of Health Equity, Education & Advocacy at Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago
Topics: health policy/law, advancing maternal health, epilepsy health equity, advancing health status of South Asians
Pronouns: she/her
Ayesha Akhtar, MPH is the VP of Health Equity, Education & Advocacy with the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago. She is also a Master Trainer in Diversity & Cross Cultural Awareness. Ayesha is a graduate of Loyola University Chicago, where she earned a B.B.A. in accounting, and in 2010 she earned her M.P.H. from the University of Illinois-Chicago, focusing on culturally sensitive approaches to health care. She has over 20 years of experience as a public health advocate in a variety of settings and is passionate about advancing health equity by empowering communities.
Speaking Topics: Developing a health policy/writing a health policy law; health equity; advancing maternal health; epilepsy health equity; advancing the health status of South Asians
Articles and Features:
Ayesha Akhtar Speaks About Epilepsy Awareness
Epilepsy Management and Advocacy
Facebook community groups are showing the pandemic’s divisions: Ayesha Akhtar, Director of Education Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago, joined Chicago’s Afternoon News with Lisa Dent to talk about how a popular Oak Park Coronavirus Facebook group she also manages highlighted how divided the city was.