Other Building Policies
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About the policy
UIC is a tobacco-free campus, prohibiting all forms of tobacco — cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and all smokeless tobacco products — anywhere within campus boundaries. UIC has prohibited smoking indoors and near building entryways since 1995. The policy was finalized after consultation with the University of Illinois president, UIC vice chancellors and deans, the UIC Senate, and student government organizations for undergraduate, graduate and health professions students.
Effective July 1, 2013, tobacco product use will be prohibited on all campus grounds, in all campus- and Campus Auxiliaries-owned properties, in all University-owned vehicles, and in private vehicles while on campus. This policy applies to all University buildings, facilities, student residence halls, campus grounds, and University-owned vehicles, as they are considered property of the University, whether owned or occupied, in whole or in part, by UIC. Furthermore, the sale of tobacco products is prohibited in all University buildings, facilities and on campus grounds. Please visit the following link for additional information.
About the policy
- No person, other than authorized on-duty law enforcement officials, may carry or possess a firearm while on university property (parking lots are exempted as listed below).
- Any person who is driving to campus who is a CCL holder and is in possession of a firearm must properly secure their firearm in their vehicle (in accordance with state law) prior to entering in or on any other university property. Firearms may be possessed in university parking lots by CCL holders only to the extent necessary to properly and safely secure them (in accordance with state law) inside of their vehicle.
- Firearm safes are not available for the general public at any university building. As such, CCL holders that are coming to campus by any way other than a personal vehicle should prepare accordingly.
- Statute 720 ILCS 5/21-6 (Unlawful Possession or Storage of Weapons), requires that any person who carries a weapon in or on university property to have the approval of the Chief of Police prior to doing so.
- To learn more about state firearm statutes visit the 430 ILCS 66 (Firearm Concealed Carry Act).
About the policy
- All individuals, including students, employees, contractors, patients, and visitors, are prohibited from bringing or having dogs, cats, or any other pets or animals in University buildings or facilities and on University Property except as permitted by law or approved by the appropriate University official in accordance with this policy.
- All permitted animals must be on a leash especially in areas where the animals’ presence may compromise a sterile environment, such as a dining space. Subject to the procedures and guidelines set forth and referred to in this policy, Service Animals, Service Animals in Training, Emotional Support (Assistance) Animals, and Pets (including Therapy Animals) are permitted on University Property in accordance with the information in the link provided on the UIC Policy and leash laws here.
About the policy

- Tabling requests can be made via our SPH virtual EMS reservation system or by emailing SPHWORK@uic.edu.
- Please make sure to request tables on your reservation request. Front desk staff will deploy the requested tables on the day of the event date request and in designated table locations.
- Tabling is only allowed in the following locations (see the image above for reference):
- Location 1 (main ADA entrance/lobby area) – Table(s) placement permitted behind the east column parallel to the flow of incoming/outgoing traffic. If the tabling request requires more than one table in location 1, then position tables in an “L” like formation.
- Location 2 (across from café) – Table(s) placement permitted behind the west column parallel to the flow of incoming/outgoing traffic. If the tabling request requires more than one table in location 2, then place tables in an “L” like formation, ensuring that tables do not block traffic to the café space.
- Location 3 (alcove across from 132 and behind 110 ) – One to two tables are allowed in this alcove space. A dual table setup can accomplished by placing tables triangularly inwards or outwards in the alcove area. This tabling option best serves as a registration area for events occurring in first floor classrooms in the west wing.
- Location 4 (behind auditorium and in the open hallway area) – One to two tables are allowed against the east wall of the hallway behind the auditorium.
- Note: Locations 1 and 2 may have a combined maximum tabling count of four tables at any given time. Some examples of common tabling requests that locations 1 and 2 can accommodate include survey collection and orientation registration.
- Tabling request priority is given to the following:
- Student organizations – must consult with respective student group advisors for tabling requests
- Student Affairs
- SPH units
- Services for the UIC campus community
- Tables must remain in the specified position and may not be moved without approval from SPH Facilities.
- Organizations or person tabling may not use more than the assigned number of tables issued to them.
- No sales or solicitations, which are unrelated to University business, are permitted at SPH, unless the vendor or organization has received permission and approval from the UIC School of Public Health Dean’s Office.
- Organizations must staff tables at all times.
- Organizations/persons tabling may not “hawk”; i.e., stand in front of their table speaking loudly or approaching UIC community members with information or speaking to them unless they are approached first.
About the policy
Drive requests will be approved on a “first-come, first-served basis” and precedence is given to internal school requests. Organizations and units who are interested in sponsoring collection drives at the School of Public Health must have Dean’s Office approval before placement of collection receptacles. If approved, the sponsor of the drive must submit a space reservation request through the SPH virtual EMS.
Collection Drive Placement Areas
SPH (975) lobby near student lounge entrance 194 & student lounge.
- The School of Public Health will not be liable for stolen, damaged, and/or lost property related to a drive/collection bin(s).
- Collection containers will be allowed at the schools discretion and only if there is availability to deploy collection receptacle’s without causing overcrowding in the collection areas.
- The school will retain the right to temporarily relocate or remove collection containers to accommodate event requests, tabling requests, and/or for maintenance purposes.
- SPHPI also reserves the right to cancel a drive if deemed necessary.
- Registered student organizations, academic, and/or administrative units may only hold drives consistent with UIC SPHPI’s mission.
- Student organizations seeking to place a collections container must seek approval from the SPH Office of Student Affairs.
- Approved collection containers include small to medium sized cardboard boxes and plastic bins. Large containers must receive front desk approval before deployment to ensure that boxes are not obstructive.
- Requestors are required to provide their own collection container(s) and proper visible signage stating drive sponsorship information.
- Sponsor’s collection signage will include contact information such as name and number of a member of the organization.
- To prevent crowding, a maximum of two sponsors are allowed to hold a drive at any of the collection drive designated spots. In such cases, the number of collection containers must remain at a maximum of one per sponsor.
- Organizations are responsible for managing their collection containers and contents. Emptying of containers must occur prior to closing, when at capacity, or at the discretion of the organization.
- Organizations are also responsible for the removal of the container after the drive.
- Containers not in place on the first date of the reservation will forfeit their reservation, if another organization has a pending request.
- Approved drives are allowed to remain in a designated area for an initial period of two weeks. Collection drives can receive an extension upon request, but only if no other space requests are pending. As such, requests for extensions to the length of a drive will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
About the policy

As an official Bike Friendly University, the University of Illinois at Chicago is well connected to Chicago’s on-street bike network, and has bike parking at nearly every campus building. As such, the School of Public Health (SPH) building provides students, staff, and faculty with bike-parking amenities and self-service bike repair services.
Self-Service Bike Pump
The SPH front desk has a self-service air pump that can be loaned out, should bike commuters encounter low air pressure troubles. In order to check out the pump you must be able to provide a valid UIC i-card to use the bike pump. For additional information about campus, bicycle repair resources click here.
SPH Bike Parking Locations
- Option 1 (outdoor) – Located at the northeast corner of the SPHPI (975) building, bicycle commuters have access to nine bike racks (see photo right).
- Option 2 (indoor) – Located on the east side entrance of the first floor, and at 110 sq. ft. of space, the 140 bike room is a small indoor bike storage option that keeps your sheltered. The room has capacity to park seven bikes, including one wall mounted bike rack. The bike room is open 24/7 and users are responsible for securing their own bikes.
UIC SPH is not liable for missing bikes, bike locks, or any other property left at bike racks or bike rooms. Furthermore, SPH will not be liable for any bike locks that must be cut, or any bikes that must be removed based on the below policies.
- Spaces are available on a first come first served basis.
- Always secure bikes at an available bike rack parking area.
- It is highly encouraged that you register your bicycle with UIC Police. To do so please follow this link https://apps.uipd.uic.edu/bikeregistration/.
- Avoid leaving a bike overnight in any of the bike parking locations or for long periods, especially during observed holidays.
- Users are responsible for providing their own bike lock to be able to secure their bikes at all times. It is strongly recommended to secure your bike to a bike rack with a U-lock around the frame and the wheel. Use a cable around the other wheel and the U-lock to double-down on your anti-theft techniques https://youtu.be/6dac2asQHlA.
- Do not secure bikes to railings, stairwells, handicapped access ramps, or posts, which impede accessibility and may pose a safety hazard.
- Do not leave bike locks in bike room, if untethered to bike.
- In an effort to keep UIC safe and clean, university staff has the authority and reserves the right to remove abandoned bicycles or issue an emergency bicycle removal in case a safety hazard is presented. A bike considered to be abandoned in any of the SPH bike rack locations will be removed in accordance to the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services “Removal of Bicycles” policy.
- A bike is considered to be abandoned if:
- It displays salient traits of rusting
- Inoperable and hardware is clearly defective
- Left in one place for more than 30 days
- A bike poses an emergency safety hazard when:
- Deemed to be an emergency hazard by the UIC police or Environmental Health and Safety staff
- Attached within a wheelchair ramp
- Obstructing a pathway/building entrance
- Impeding emergency services
- A bike is constituted as posing a safety hazard if it is:
- Deemed to be a potential hazard by the UIC police or Environmental Health and Safety staff
- Attached to a stairwell handrail
- Attached inside of a building
- Secured in an unauthorized location
- Impedes care and maintenance of grounds
About the policy
To clarify and enhance the security protocols of the School of Public Health and Psychiatric Institute building (SPHPI) in response to concerns raised by faculty and staff regarding safety and security, and to foster a welcoming environment to our visitors. The School of Public Health (SPH) controls access to SPHPI by setting building opening and closing times, limiting and controlling the use and function of access cards and keys, greeting and directing visitors, and maintaining a log of non-UIC affiliated visitors.
a. SPHPI’s main entrance revolving door and ADA door are open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. during the academic year. Summer hours may vary.
b. There are 5 additional entryways secured by card reader devices. These access points are always locked and require card swipe access for entry.
c. SPHPI maintains a reception desk located in the lobby with in-person coverage at times designated by SPH administration.
a. For access to SPHPI outside of standard operating hours, SPH students and employees may be provided with swipe card access to enter the building in accordance with Campus Policy Number FM-4200-001 (https://policies.uic.edu/uic-policy-library/facilities-and-safety/control-of-access-to-university-facilities-and-spaces-policy/). The Department of Psychiatry administers building swipe access for the Psychiatric Institute in accordance with internal policies and the above campus policy.
i. SPH student swipe access is administered by the SPH’s Office of Student Affairs and is generally limited to Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
1. In circumstances where there is a weekend event, late evening course or special event, students may be granted extended access.
ii. SPH faculty and staff swipe access is administered by the Dean’s office facility staff and Division business managers.
1. Faculty and staff are provided with swipe access to SPHPI according to Dean’s Office and Division guidelines.
2. Student Employee swipe access beyond standard hours is granted by Dean’s Office and Divisions and is provided on an as-needed basis.
iii. Swipe access privilege can be revised or revoked at the discretion of the Dean or Division Director.