Dr. Paul Sambanis Elected to Illinois Green Alliance Board
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UIC School of Public Health’s Apostolis (Paul) Sambanis, PhD, has been elected to the Illinois Green Alliance Board of Directors. Dr. Sambanis has been an Adjunct Assistant Professor with the Division of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences since 2011. The Illinois Green Alliance Board of Directors guides the organization’s strategic vision — to make net zero buildings feasible, affordable, and so commonplace that every building in Illinois by 2050 is net zero.
Dr. Sambanis is also the Director of the Emergency Management and Resilience Planning Program at UIC’s School of Public Health and Vice President of Sustainability at Sloan. Dr. Sambanis’s academic accomplishments include being a geographic information system, Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance (SADA), and HAZUS expert. This work, combined with his strong quantitative background, creates the ideal profile for his current risk visualization and decision-support research content for managing disasters or measuring resilience. His specialities include project management, researching, and lecturing in environmental risk assessment, mitigation, resilience, health and safety, sustainability, and emergency response.