COVID-19 Data Analysis: Implications on Mortality Based on Race

Mortality in Chicagoland by race and residency status Heading link

By accounting for the two distinct populations living in long term care facilities (LTCF) and housing units, COVID-19 mortality based on race in the Chicagoland area differs from the commonly reported overall population mortality. From Table 1, we can see that the Black household residents of Chicagoland have a relatively high number of COVID-19-related mortalities. This is noteworthy since approximately 30 percent of the residents in Chicago are Black. For the White and Black population groups, notable losses originate in LTCF. The Latinx HP had nearly the same percent mortality as the White HP; however, at an overall population level, the Latinx mortality rate is 20 percent less than that of the White population, due to the substantially lower number of Latinx cases in LTCF. By relying on overall population figures only, prevailing health disparities may be obscured.
Black Latinx White Other Total
Household population Count 843 688 671 152 2,354
Percentage share of household population 35.8 29.2 28.5 6.5 100
Percentage share of racial/ethnic population 55.5 78 37.7 49 52.4
Percentage of total population 18.8 15.3 14.9 3.4 52.4
Long term care facility (LTCF) population Count 677 194 1,111 158 2,140
Percentage share of LTCF population 31.6 9.1 51.9 7.4 100
Percentage share of racial/ethnic population 44.5 22 62.3 51 47.6
Percentage of total population 15.1 4.3 24.7 3.5 47.6
Overall population 1,520 882 1,782 310 4,494
Percentage of total population 33.82 19.63 39.65 6.9 100

Age distribution of mortality Heading link

A graph showing long term care facility status, age and mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic.  A text accessible version is linked below.

The age distribution of mortality by residency status is presented in the figure above. The overall pattern conforms to the mortality-age pattern established for the state of Illinois.14 In addition, this figure underlines the relative magnitude of the loss, especially for older adults above 80 residing in LTCF. Those less than 60 years of age within the LTCF distribution may be attributed to fatalities occurring in rehabilitation centers and specialized clinics, which are included in the LTCF sample.