Nonprofit Capacity Building
Nonprofit organizations play a fundamental role in creating more equitable and thriving communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has left many nonprofits experiencing financial hardship. During the pandemic, nonprofits across Chicago saw an increase in the demand for their services without an increase in their financial and operational capacity to meet that higher demand. Nonprofits operating in low-to-moderate income areas and those with budgets less than $1M were disproportionately impacted, with many seeing decreased revenue and increased costs and have not yet fully recovered.
To ensure a strong recovery for Chicago's nonprofits, the City of Chicago has created the Nonprofit Capacity Building Program. This program will provide technical assistance and capacity building services for disproportionately impacted nonprofits, helping to stabilize and scale their operations. SPH's Collaboratory for Health Justice is a partner in this effort.
Resources Heading link
March Readiness Summit
- Overview of Equity Strategy and Nonprofit Capacity Building Program
- Track A: Community Services
- Track B: Community Development and Sustainability
- Session 1: What it Means to Apply for a City Grant
- Session 2: Application Best Practices & Common Mistakes
- Session 3: Federal Grant Management
- Additional Nonprofit Capacity Building Resources
Planning your proposal: finding the right grant and planning for impact
- Searching for Grant Funding and Identifying the Best Fit for Your Organization – This session will provide an overview of how to identify funding streams that match the vision and mission of your organization. This session will share tips on where to find the various sources of funding and understanding requirements.
- Using “Best Practices” and Evaluation in Your Work – This session will provide an overview of how to identify best practices and develop evaluation plans for your grant applications. This session will focus on incorporating evidence into your program design; it will not focus on compliance and reporting.
June Readiness Summit
- Welcome and Overview of Chicago Recovery Plan and Nonprofit Capacity Building Program (NCBP) & Basics of Applying for a City Grant
- Decoding Requests for Proposals (RFPs): Building Great Applications
- Panel of Nonprofit Leaders: Lessons Learned in Pursuing Government Funding
- Additional Resources
Links to Important Resources
December Readiness Summitt
- Welcome and Overview of Chicago Recovery Plan and Nonprofit Capacity Building Program
- Searching for Grant Funding and Identifying the Best Fit for Your Organization
- Funder Panel Discussion
- Chicago Grant Opportunities
- Non-profit Capacity Building Resources and Upcoming Supports