Small Dissertation Research Grants
Supports research costs for UIC School of Public Health doctoral students
Deadline for Applications FY24: Rolling until June 15, 2024 (dependent upon availability of funds - see below)
Future Deadlines: Availability of FY25 funds will be announced in July 2024
Apply Here
Grant purpose and eligibility restrictions Heading link
A limited number of small grants are available each year to support research activities for UIC SPH PhD/DrPH students conducting dissertation research projects. Research activities that may be supported include fieldwork, data collection and analysis, laboratory experiments, or participation of human subjects.
Eligibility Restrictions:
• All UIC SPH PhD/DrPH candidates with approved dissertation proposals are eligible to apply.
• Awards may not exceed 12 months without prior approval from the Associate Dean for Research. • Award limit is $500.
• Students may receive this award only one time during their studies.
• All awardees must provide the SPH Office of Research with UIC IRB Approval or Determination letter prior to disbursement of funds.
• Recipients must provide a brief progress report 6 months after the award start date and a final report no later than 12 months after the award start date.
• Recipients should present findings during UIC SPH Research and Scholarship Week.
Available funding FY 2024: 10 awards of up to $500 each Heading link
Timeline for Awards | FY 2024 | FY 2025 |
Deadline to Apply | Rolling until June 15, 2024 (or until funds are expended, whichever occurs first) | Rolling until June 15, 2025 (available funds to be announced) |
Award Decisions | Within 1 month of application | |
Funds available for purchases/payments | Approximately 6 weeks from application receipt date |
Proposal checklist and award decisions Heading link
Grant Proposal Elements:
The proposal must contain the following elements:
1. Complete application cover page (in application system)
2. 250 word abstract (will be published on website if awarded)
3. Dissertation proposal approval date
4. Current non-fellowship NIH formatted biosketch. Template and agency instructions can be located at
5. Budget table and narrative (maximum 2 pages) (template provided)
6. Acknowledgements from the Chair of the student’s Dissertation Committee indicating willingness to work with the student in the completion of work (completed in the application system).
7. Timeline for completing the dissertation.
8. IRB approval or determination (if required).
Applications must be submitted in InfoReady and include all sections listed above. Attachments must be in PDF format. If you have any questions regarding submission or program requirements, please email
Award Decisions:
For each funding cycle, priority will be given to awarding funds to at least one student in each of the four SPH Divisions and the DrPH program. All completed applications that provide a reasonable justification for the requested funds will be considered eligible for funding. If more than one application is received from a given division, the SPH Associate Dean for Research and Division or DrPH Director will confer to rank order applications based on the assessed necessity of the requested funding for the timely completion of the student’s dissertation. Multiple students in each division or the DrPH program may receive funding in a given cycle if available funding permits (e.g., no applications are received from students in one or more of divisions and/or the DrPH program). The Associate Dean for Research also may modify the amount of funding awarded to a student at their discretion (e.g., to accommodate providing funding to more than one student in a division).