HPA Research Talks

The Health Policy and Administration (HPA) Research Talks, in the division of Health Policy and Administration at UIC, offers an opportunity to share, learn, and participate in discussions surrounding health policy research during the Spring academic semester. Research seminars will be presented by faculty and students at UIC and colleagues from other academic institutions.

Our seminars are open to everyone and offer a variety of speakers. External speakers present cutting-edge work in their field and have the opportunity to participate in coordinated individual one-on-one meetings. UIC faculty and students present works in progress. Throughout our talks, seminar participants engage in conversations with the goal of providing feedback to the researchers and sharing ideas.


2025 Schedule Heading link

Titles of presentations will be made available to subscribers of our listserv a week prior to the seminar.
January 29 Samantha Marinello, PhD - Postdoctoral Research Associate, Health Policy and Administration Recreational Cannabis Markets: Evaluation of Compliance with Advertising Regulations and the Association with Motor Vehicle Accident, Suicide, and Opioid Overdose Fatalities SPHPI Building, 1603 W Taylor Street, Room 132 Chicago, IL 60612 12 PM (CST)
February 24 Julien Leider, Senior Research Specialist, UIC Institute for Health Research and Policy/Rodrigo Banho De Andrade Reis, Visiting PhD Scholar, Universidade Católica de Brasília Evidence on Impact of SSB Taxes SPHPI Building, 1603 W Taylor Street, Room 132 Chicago, IL 60612 12 PM (CST)
February 26 Abhery Das, PhD - Bridge to Faculty Scholar, Health Policy and Administration Inequities in social systems and mental health among communities of color SPHPI Building, 1603 W Taylor Street, Room 132 Chicago, IL 60612 12 PM (CST)
March 19 Devoja Ganguli, Doctoral Candidate, Health Policy and Administration Pregnancy at 35 and Beyond: Is It Time to Redefine the Geriatric Pregnancy Age? SPHPI Building, 1603 W Taylor Street, Room 132 Chicago, IL 60612 12 PM (CST)
April 9 Rhea Nigil/Aline Vandenbroeck, Doctoral Candidates, Health Policy and Administration Maternity Care Access and Effects of Obstetric Unit Closures./Escaping the TRAP: Abortion Restrictions and the OB-GYN Workforce in the Pre-Dobbs Era SPHPI Building, 1603 W Taylor Street, Room 132 Chicago, IL 60612 12 PM (CST)
April 16 Mingjian Li, Doctoral Candidate, Health Policy and Administration Do the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid Expansions Increase Income Adjustments? SPHPI Building, 1603 W Taylor Street, Room 132 Chicago, IL 60612 12 PM (CST)
April 23 Elizabeth Jarpe-Ratner, PhD - Clinical Assistant Professor, Core Faculty, Doctor of Public Health Leadership Program, Health Policy and Administration TBA SPHPI Building, 1603 W Taylor Street, Room 132 Chicago, IL 60612 12 PM (CST)
April 30 Jennifer Kwok, PhD Assistant Professor Health Policy and Administration TBA SPHPI Building, 1603 W Taylor Street, Room 132 Chicago, IL 60612 12 PM (CST)
May 7 Deepon Bhaumik, Ph.D. Research Fellow in Health Care Policy Institution, Harvard Medical School TBA SPHPI Building, 1603 W Taylor Street, Room 132 Chicago, IL 60612 12 PM (CST)
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Sample External Speakers Heading link

Brad Shapiro
Brad Shapiro, February 10
Professor of Marketing and True North Faculty Scholar Booth School of Business University of Chicago
Sarah Miller
Sarah Miller, March 10
Associate Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy Ross School of Business University of Michigan
Maria Polyakova
Maria Polyakova, March 16
Assistant Professor of Health Policy School of Medicine Stanford University
Matthew Notowidigdo
Matthew Notowidigdo, April 7
David McDaniel Keller Professor of Economics Booth School of Business University of Chicago
Ashley Swanson
Ashley Swanson, May 1
Associate Professor, Douglas W. and Sherry A. Caves Professor of Economics Department of Economics University of Wisconsin - Madison

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