Mary Turyk, MPH, PhD
Research Professor
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Building & Room:
1603 W. Taylor St.
Office Phone:
Selected Grants
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Promoting Healthy Seafood Choices in Asian Communities, Principal Investigator (MPI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Innovative Methodologic Advances for Mixtures Research in, Principal Investigator (MPI)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Endogenous Hormones and Diabetes in Latinos, Co-Investigator
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, ChicAgo Center for Health and EnvironmenT (CACHET), Integrative Health Sciences Facility Core Co-Director
Selected Publications
- Christensen KY, Raymond M, Blackowicz M, Liu Y, Thompson BA, Anderson HA, Turyk M. Perfluoroalkyl substances and fish consumption. Environ Res 2017;154:145-151.
- Stayner LT, Almberg K, Jones R, Graber J, Pedersen M, Turyk M. Atrazine and nitrate in drinking water and the risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight in four Midwestern states. Envion Res 2017;152:294-303.
- Buchanan S, Anglen J, Turyk M. Methyl mercury exposure in populations at risk: Analysis of NHANES 2011-2012. Environ Res 140:56-64, 2015.
- Turyk M, Fantuzzi F, Persky V, Freels S, Lambertino A, Pini M, Rhodes DH, Anderson HA. Persistent organic pollutants and biomarkers of diabetes risk in a cohort of Great Lakes sport caught fish consumers. Environ Res 140:335-344, 2015.
- Turyk M, Banda E, Chisum G, Weems D Jr, Liu Y, Damitz M, Williams R, Persky V. A Multifaceted community based asthma intervention in Chicago: Effects of trigger reduction and self-management education on asthma morbidity, J Asthma 50:729-736, 2013.
- Turyk ME, Bhavsar SP, Bowerman W, Boysen E, Clark M, Diamond M, Mergler D, Pantazopoulos P, Schantz S, Carpenter DO, Risks and benefits of consumption of Great Lakes fish. Environ Health Perspect, 120:11-18,
- Turyk ME, Anderson H, Knobeloch L, Imm P, Persky VW. Organochlorine exposure and incidence of diabetes in a cohort of Great Lakes sport fish consumers. Environ Health Perspect 117:1076-1082, 2009.
- Turyk ME, Persky VW, Imm P, Knobeloch L, Chatterton Jr R, Anderson HA. Hormone disruption by PBDEs in adult male sport fish consumers. Environ Health Perspect, 116:1635-1641, 2008.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2005-2008, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
Ph.D. Epidemiology, 2005, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
M.P.H. Epidemiology, 1998, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL.
B.S. Biology, 1979, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL