Student Representation on Faculty Committees

Student representation on School of Public Health standing committees is an integral part of the School’s governance. Students that are enrolled in any of the School’s degree programs and are in good academic standing are eligible to serve on SPH standing committees. Non-degree students, and students from other colleges and campuses of the University of Illinois at Chicago, are not eligible to serve.

The nomination and election process for student representatives on faculty committees begins in the Fall semester of each year. Students are elected at large by the student body to serve for one academic year. Student representation on the faculty committees are as follows:

Executive Committee 1 student (any degree program)
Committee on Academic Progress 3 students (any degree program)
Committee on Admissions and Recruitment Policies 3 students (any degree program)
Committee on Educational Programs 3 students (any degree program)
DrPH Oversight Committee 3 students (from the DrPH program)
MPH Oversight Committee 2 students (MPH degree program)
Undergrad Oversight Committee 3 students (from the Undergraduate degree program

Committee Functions Heading link

Executive Committee

This committee advises the dean on matters of educational policy, faculty appointments, promotions, tenure and dismissals, and represents the faculty on matters of policy and budget. This committee receives the recommendations of all other standing committees and initiates actions on behalf of the faculty. It determines the effectiveness of standing committees and recommends the establishment or dissolution of other standing committees. The committee is empowered to establish a mechanism to hear and evaluate grievances by faculty, staff members and students with regard to policies, programs and operations within the school.

Committee on Academic Progress

This committee is charged with developing and implementing overall guidance for student academic progress and formulating policy and developing procedures for monitoring academic progress; academic advising; matters pertaining to enrollment; registration and time-to-degree requirements for MPH and DrPH students; the DrPH preliminary examination; academic retention; student dismissals; and academic grievances. It recommends to the Executive Committee the granting of degrees to all students who have fulfilled the degree requirements.

Committee on Admissions and Recruitment Policies

This committee is charged with establishing overall policy for school admissions for the five degree programs to assure quality and diversity of the student body and minimum admissions criteria. The committee also is charged with developing an appropriate protocol to ensure schoolwide adherence to the admissions policy. With regard to recruitment, the committee is charged with developing and overseeing recruitment policies and providing guidance on recruiting.

Committee on Educational Programs

This committee is charged with making recommendations to the Executive Committee of the school on behalf of the faculty with respect to the quality and appropriateness of the school curricula in all degree programs. It reviews the structure and content of curricula within the school. This includes new curricula, new programs (e.g., the Master of Healthcare Administration degree program), and new modalities (e.g., distance learning), as well as periodic review of already-established curricula. It makes recommendations regarding the evaluation of faculty teaching performance and periodically reviews the methods used to evaluate teaching performance.

DrPH Oversight Committee

This committee is charged with formulating policy and developing procedures in regard to DrPH admissions, academic advising, monitoring academic progress of DrPH students; and establishing the DrPH curriculum.

MPH Oversight Committee

MPH OC is charged with establishing, modifying and overseeing the MPH curriculum coordination with the approval of CEP, when appropriate.  MPHOC is also tasked with assisting the Committee on Academic Progress with academic progress of MPH students.  MPHOC reports regularly to the Committee on Educational Programs regarding its actions, decisions and recommendations.

Undergrad Oversight Committee

UOC is charged with reviewing the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and the Bachelor of Science (BS) in public health degree curricula and with formulating policy and developing procedures with regard to BA/BS admissions, academic advising, and monitoring academic progress of BA/BS students.

Ad Hoc Committees

There are also ad hoc committees with specific missions, but an election is not required. Students may volunteer and upon agreement of service by the committee, return any pertinent information to their peers. These committees include: The Facilities Management Committee, Academic Strategic Planning Committee, IT Commmittee, and Diversity Committee. Please contact Antoniah Lewis-Reese at for more information.